WTF News S2E1: What It Really Takes to Make Your CEO LinkedIn Famous ft. Brad Zomick

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WTF News S2E1: What It Really Takes to Make Your CEO LinkedIn Famous ft. Brad Zomick

In this episode of WTF News, Shailesh talks with Brad Zomick, founder of Spectamur. Brad’s helped marketers and CEOs grow their LinkedIn presence and drive real results in brand visibility and pipeline.

If you want to build an audience, boost engagement, and turn thought leadership into business impact, this one’s for you.

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The One with a Playbook to $20Mn ARR ft. Philippe Rutten

Philippe Ruttens (CMO at Tyk), Roger Courville (Head of Strategy, Virtual Venues), and Hubilo's CEO, Shailesh Hegde, took the stage to dive deep into marketing’s future.

Here's what is covered:

1 → The latest buzz in tech + marketing
2 → A 15-minute marketing playbook for companies with $5-20M ARR, ft. Philippe Ruttens, CMO of Tyk and growth strategy expert
3 → Game of Logos (yes, it’s a thing)
4 → 5 tips to help your SMEs crush public speaking, with Roger Courville, relational communication strategist from Virtual Venues

The One with a Playbook to $20Mn ARR ft. Philippe Rutten

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